Sunday, March 04, 2007

Esther played the "sex" card???!!!

As long as Jameel is still slaving away (or currently sleeping away) on the J-Blog Purim Podcast, I might as well stay up another minute or two and link you to West Bank Mama's fascinating, and rather risqué, take on the Purim story. I've been reading Megillat Ester/the Scroll ("Book") of Esther as an adult for over 30 years, and I never thought of that. Here I thought it was all politics. You go, West Bank gal!

Sunday update: Well, how do you like that? I happened to be glancing quickly at the commentary in the ArtScroll Megillat Ester (Scroll ["Book"] of Esther) during this morning's reading, and look what I saw on page 85: "she was purposely showing a great interest in Haman to arouse the King's jealousy and to disarm Haman." Apparently, the interpretation that Esther was "playing the 'sex' card" is not original to West Bank Mama. Nevertheless, I thank her for bringing this idea to my attention. Zeesh, I'm 58 years old and have spent my entire life in Conservative synagogues, and I've never heard this one. How come the frummies get all the racy stuff? :) :) :)

On the other hand, check out this notion, which also never occurred to me until WBM mentioned it: "As a child I assumed that of course Achashverosh would take Esther’s side at this point. She is his wife after all. But as an adult, I see that this is by no means a given. Achashverosh, in a drunken state, had previously had his wife killed just because she refused him one request. In this case, Esther is asking him to take her side against a powerful, and rich, advisor." So that's why Achaverosh, in his usual drunken stupor, goes out to the garden, leaving Esther semi-alone with the guy who had plotted to kill her entire people: He needed to decide which one of them he was going to banish or hang. Did Esther pull some interesting maneuver to ensure that the king would find Haman fallen on her couch when he returned from the garden? This is way past politics. Esther's even more gutsy that I'd thought. Until Achaverosh condemned Haman, Esther had no idea whether even she would escape with her life, much less all the Jews of the Persian empire.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, Shira, and of course the idea that Esther was flirting with Haman wasn't an original idea of mine, although the added personal risk was my idea. As far as we frummies and the "racy stuff" - I think that Orthodox Jews have a much more realistic idea of the power of sexuality than other streams of Judaism, and that is why we follow a stricter set of rules about the separation of the sexes (yichud, modest dress, etc.)


Sun Mar 04, 12:49:00 PM 2007  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Risky and risque behavior, all in one post. Nice writin', WBM.

As for the "much more realistic idea of the power of sexuality," that's another post altogether.

Sun Mar 04, 11:29:00 PM 2007  
Blogger Jack Steiner said...

As far as we frummies and the "racy stuff" - I think that Orthodox Jews have a much more realistic idea of the power of sexuality than other streams of Judaism, and that is why we follow a stricter set of rules about the separation of the sexes (yichud, modest dress, etc.)

That would make a good post. I would argue that when it comes to sexuality Orthodox Judaism infantilizes people. There is a lot about orthodoxy that I appreciate, but this area is a sore spot.

I have a very strong libido, but it doesn't control me. I control it. I take responsibility for my actions.

Maybe I'll blog about this instead of ranting here at Shira's place.

Tue Mar 06, 01:19:00 AM 2007  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

"That would make a good post." Agreed, Jack. Actually, the “other post altogether" is this one. Not to mention this one. Just be sure to give a fair chance to the folks with other perspectives—don’t forget to read the comments, of which there are many pointing out that there are differences of opinion within the Orthodox community.

Jack, I’d be interested in reading your own take on this issue.

Tue Mar 06, 07:59:00 AM 2007  
Blogger Jack Steiner said...

Certainly there are other perspectives. It is too bad that they are all wrong. ;)

Tue Mar 06, 10:31:00 AM 2007  

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